BigInteger divide method in Java with examples| BigDecimal divide tutorials

This post shows how to divide BigInteger with others in Java with examples. You can also check my previous posts on the BigInteger class in Java.

In java, long or integers can be divided using the division operator /. However, BigInteger can’t be divided, and throws an compilation error

Operator ’/’ cannot be applied to ‘java.math.BigInteger’, ‘java.math.BigInteger’.

Here is an example using the BigInteger division operator

import java.math.BigInteger;

public class BigIntegerDivisionOperator {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create two BigInteger
        BigInteger operand1= BigInteger.valueOf(2);
        BigInteger operand2= BigInteger.valueOf(2);
        // Division throws an compilation error
        BigInteger result=operand1/operand2;

Java BigInteger Division method with example

The divide method to divide BigInteger values, returns the result of the division of values

BigInteger is immutable, and the result returns a new object.

In Java, It uses an array of integers to do the process internally, The performance is less compared with the Integer division.


    public BigInteger divide(BigInteger val)

This method called on the BigInteger object, takes the same type of parameter. Returns a new BigInteger object.

Here is an example of a BigInteger divide

import java.math.BigInteger;

public class BigIntegerMultiply {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       // Create two operands of BigInteger values
        BigInteger divident= BigInteger.valueOf(212312);
        BigInteger divisor= BigInteger.valueOf(2123);
        // Division
        BigInteger result=divident.divide(divisor);



How to divide two BigDecimals values into a BigDecimal object

divide method always works with BigDecimal🔗 values.

First, Convert BigInteger into BigDecimal using the below code Next, use the divide method and the result is BigDecimal.

This method takes three parameter

  • BigDecmal is the first parameter
  • scale: the number of digits to the right of the decimal point
  • RoundingMode is another parameter integer enum, contains HALF_UP
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;

public class BigIntegerMultiply {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        BigDecimal operand1= BigDecimal.valueOf(212312);
        BigDecimal operand2= BigDecimal.valueOf(2123);
        BigDecimal result=operand1.divide(operand2,4, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);

