Puppeteer Login Test example

Puppeteer is a Node.js library utilized for testing webpages within a headless browser, specifically opening Chromium in such a mode.

Let’s start by creating a directory named puppeteertest.

mkdir puppeteertest
cd puppeteertest

Now, initiate a Node.js project with the following command.

npm init -y

This sets up a Node.js project with the necessary basic configuration.

Next, install the Puppeteer dependency.

npm install puppeteer --save

This installs Puppeteer into the Node project.

Create a test.js file and add the JavaScript code to it.

Below are some examples of use cases.

Puppeteer Login example

This example contains login steps.

  • First, Launch a headless browser with headless: false,
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
  headless: false,
  • Next, Open a new page in the browser
const page = await browser.newPage();
  • Open the login page with the provided URL
const url = "https://www.domain.com/login";
await page.goto(url);
  • Once the login page is loaded, enter the username and password

To select input fields, use selectors with id or type, or class.

// use this line to select with an id of the username field
//await page.type('#name', 'username'); or
await page.type("input[type=text]", "username");

// use this line to select with an id of the pwd field
// await page.type('#pwd', 'password'); or
await page.type("input[type=password]", "password");
  • Next, Click on submit button using the id or type selector
// use this line if the button contains the id
//await page.click('#submitBtn');
// use this line to select with button type
await page.click("button[type=submit]");
  • Next, wait for the next page to load using
// wait for login authentication result
await page.waitForNavigation();
  • Close the browsers
// Close test
await browser.close();
const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");

//create a function for login test
async function logintest() {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
    headless: false,
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  const url = "https://www.domain.com/login";
  await page.goto(url);
  // use this line to select with an id of the username field
  //await page.type('#name', 'username'); or
  await page.type("input[type=text]", "username");

  // use this line to select with an id of the pwd field
  // await page.type('#pwd', 'password'); or
  await page.type("input[type=password]", "password");
  // use this line if the button contains the id
  //await page.click('#submitBtn');
  // use this line to select with button type
  await page.click("button[type=submit]");

  // wait for login authentication result
  await page.waitForNavigation();
  console.log("Navigate to New Page URL:", page.url());

  // Close test
  await browser.close();

Next, run the code using the node command.

node test.js

This will open a headless browser, perform the login test, and then close the browser.