Difference between gradle and maven build tools

In this tutorial, Compare maven with gradle and the difference between these two tools.

Gradle is an open-source build automation tool for building Java and android projects. It uses the configuration in domain-specific language with groovy or kotlin syntax. Gradle configuration is conventional syntax in files are defined as

  • build.gradle for groovy script
  • build.gradle.kts for kotlin script

Gradle performance is a good and simple configuration to build projects in the web and mobile applications.

Maven is an open-source project management tool in java.

It uses the configuration in XML file format Configurations are defined in pom.xml

functionalityIt is based on a group of tasks dependencies that run togetherIt is fixed goals like clean install
Configuration typeUses Domain scripting syntaxXML file format
Filebuild.gradle for groovy and build.gradle.kls for kotlinpom.xml is the maven file

|Performance| Performance is good compared with maven due to building cache and incrementable build and daemon process | Maven also uses build caches but performance is less compared with gradle| |Android support|Google official supports this as an android build tool| maven is not supported | |Languages|Supports java, groovy, c, and c++|Supports java c+ sharp| |Customization build configuration| Easy to customize|Hard to customize| |Dependencies| Supports dependency management with directory structure| Easy to get dependencies| |IDE supports|Supports Eclipse, Intelli, and Android studio| Supports all popular IDE| |Popularity|Gradle is less popular and more popular in the Android market|Maven is more popular in the build market and open-source projects| |Learning Curve| Learning curve is more| Easy to learn and adapt|


Learned the difference between gradle and maven.

Maven is very popular in open-source projects and is easy to learn and adapt.

Gradle is gaining more popularity due to google adding a default build tool for android projects. Performance is good due to incremental build.