How to print dollar symbol in string dart?| Flutter By Example

You can concatenate strings using the plus operator or interpolation syntax.

Similarly, you can include a dollar symbol in a string in multiple ways.

How to Print the Dollar Symbol in Dart and Flutter?

There are several methods:

When the string contains regular text or raw text interpreted with interpolation syntax. Interpolation syntax uses the $ symbol to represent the variable’s value. For instance, by using $price, you can insert the variable value. However, appending $ to an interpolated variable triggers an error. The error message states:

A ’$’ has a special meaning inside a string, and must be followed by an identifier or an expression in curly braces ().

The following code demonstrates this error:

void main() {
  int price = 95;

  print("Current price is $$price");

To resolve this, one approach is to escape the $ symbol as \$.

void main() {
  int price = 95;

  print("Current price is \$$price");

Another method involves using a raw string, indicated by the prefix r.

void main() {
  int price = 95;

  print(r"Current price is $price");


It’s important to note that raw strings treat the $ symbol differently. To print a dollar symbol, it needs to be escaped.