How to Create and build a Singleton Class Dart or Flutter example| Dart By Example

Singleton is a fundamental design pattern used to ensure only a single instance of a class exists in Dart.

Singleton Features

  • Lazily creates an instance of a class.
  • Only one instance is ever created.
  • Objects can only be created using a static method.
  • Employs a private constructor.

Dart Singleton Example

There are multiple methods to create a singleton instance consistently for a given class.

  • Define a Singleton class.
  • Establish a final static compile-time constant for an instance of the Singleton class.
  • Implement a named private constructor prefixed with an underscore (_).
  • Construct an empty constructor and apply the factory keyword to it. A factory constructor always returns an instance of the current class, ensuring a Singleton class instance.
  • Instantiate two instances of the Singleton class within the main method and compare them using the == operator and the identical method.

The following program demonstrates eager loading for a singleton instance:

main() {
  var singleton1 = Singleton();
  var singleton2 = Singleton();
  print(identical(singleton1, singleton2));
  print(singleton1 == singleton2);
class Singleton {
  static final Singleton _singleton = Singleton._SingletonConstructor();

  factory Singleton() {
    return _singleton;




Let’s explore the singleton Lazy loading example.

In this case, the factory constructor checks if an instance is null. If it is null, it creates an instance of the class; otherwise, it returns the existing instance.

main() {
  var singleton1 = Singleton();
  var singleton2 = Singleton();
  print(identical(singleton1, singleton2));
  print(singleton1 == singleton2);

class Singleton {
  static Singleton _singleton = Singleton._SingletonConstructor();

  factory Singleton() => _singleton ??= Singleton._SingletonConstructor();





This post illustrates how to implement a singleton design pattern class example in Dart, covering both Lazy Loading and Eager Loading scenarios.