Multiple Ways to Create and initialize data Dictionary in C# Examples

Dictionary is a data structure in C#, that stores key and value pairs. This tutorial explains multiple ways to create a dictionary class in C# Example.

How to declare and initialize Dictionary object

Dictionary object created using two syntaxes.

  • First, the new operator

An object is created using a new operator with Generics of key and value types.

Below accepts the key as Integer, and the value as a string.

    Dictionary < int, string > employees = new Dictionary < int, string > ();

After, you can initialize the data using the Add function using the below syntax

    employees.Add(1, "one");
    employees.Add(2, "four");
    employees.Add(3, "two");
    employees.Add(4, "three");
  • Secondly, Inline Collect Initializer Literal Syntax

The below syntax allows you to create a Dictionary with initialized values, Also called Dictionary Literal initialization Syntax.

Dictionary<int, string> dict = new Dictionary<int, string>
    { 1, "one" },
    { 2, "two" },
    { 3, "three" },
    { 4, "four" }

  • Third, Inline Initializer Literal assignment Syntax

Create a dictionary, add the data inline inside {}, and value data assigned using the assignment for each key. This works from the C# 6.0 Version onwards

  var map = new Dictionary < string,
      string > {
        ["1"] = "one",
        ["2"] = "two",
        ["3"] = "three"
  • Fourth, using Target-typed new expressions in C# 9.0 Version

Target-typed new expressions dictionary creation involves without a new Dictionary, instead using new expressions of dictionary data assignment.

This works in the C# 9.0 version.

Dictionary Initialize Inline Examples

The dictionary was created in multiple ways with all 4 syntaxes as given below

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program {
  public static void Main() {

    // πŸ‘‰  Dictionary Create using a new keyword
    Dictionary < int, string > employees = new Dictionary < int, string > ();
    // πŸ‘‰  add data using Add method
    employees.Add(1, "one");
    employees.Add(2, "four");
    employees.Add(3, "two");
    employees.Add(4, "three");

    // πŸ‘‰  Inline Dictionary Collect Initializer Syntax
    Dictionary < string, string > students = new Dictionary < string, string > {

    // πŸ‘‰  Inline Dictionary  Initializer Literal assignment Syntax Syntax in C# 6.0 Version
    var map = new Dictionary < string,
      string > {
        ["1"] = "one",
        ["2"] = "two",
        ["3"] = "three"

    // πŸ‘‰  Target-typed new expressions in C# 9.0 Version
    Dictionary < string, string > data = new() {
      }, {
     // πŸ‘‰ Iterate each object
    foreach(var item in data) {
      Console.WriteLine(item.Key + ": " + item.Value);


How to Create and Initilize a Dictionary with object classes

This example shows how to create a Dictionary of objects.

  • Let’s create a class that contains id, optional name and salary, setters and getters
  • Create a Dictionary object using a new keyword
  • Initialise an object of a class with data

Here is an example

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class DictionaryTest {

// πŸ‘‰ Create a Class,
  class Employee {
    public int id {
    public string? name {
    public int salary {

  public static void Main() {

    // πŸ‘‰ Create a Dictionary object, with Key as primitive and Value as an object inline syntax

    var employees = new Dictionary < int,
      Employee > () {
          new Employee {
            id = 1, name = "john", salary = 4000,
        }, {
          new Employee {
            id = 2, name = "franc", salary = 6000,
        }, {
          new Employee {
            id = 3, name = "eric", salary = 10000,


    // πŸ‘‰ Create a Dictionary object, with Key as primitive and Value as an object inline syntax

    foreach(KeyValuePair < int, Employee > item in employees) {
      var emp = item.Value;
      Console.WriteLine($" {} - {} - {emp.salary} ");


Multiple ways can create a dictionary and initialize data using multiple syntaxes. target type syntax expression is best used for simplicity and less code with inline expressions.