Async await basic tutorials and examples

Async await basic tutorials and examples

    This tutorial explains async and await with examples.

    Async functions are used for asynchronous programming. They always return a promise. If the function doesn’t return a promise explicitly, it wraps the result in one.

    How to Declare Async Functions in Multiple Ways

    Async functions are used to perform asynchronous tasks. They pause the current execution and place it in a separate queue called the event queue. In real-time applications, async functions are commonly used for API processing.

    • async normal functions Async function are declared with the keyword async. It is a normal function

      async function getMessage() {
      return "Welcome";

      which is equal to

      async function getMessage() {
        return Promise.resolve("Welcome");
    • async function anonymous expressions Async functions can also be declared anonymously without a name. These can be assigned to a variable.

      const variable = async function () {
        // do something

      Calling an async function always returns a Promise. You can explicitly return either a promise or a value wrapped within a promise.

    • Async Arrow functions examples

    Arrow functions can be declared and assigned to JavaScript variables. They can be declared with or without arguments.

    Async Arrow function without arguments

    const getMessage = async () => {
      console.log("Hello ")

    Async with single arguments. Parentheses for a single argument are optional.

    const getMessage = async (msg) => {
      console.log("Hello ",msg)
    const getMessage = async msg => {
      console.log("Hello ",msg)

    Multiple arguments to arrow async functions

    const getMessage = async (msg1,msg2) => {
      console.log("Hello ",msg)
    • Async function also declared with static
    static myfunc = async () => {
      console.log("static function ")

    How to Call Async Functions

    Async functions are asynchronous and always return a Promise.

    Calling an async function always returns a Promise.

    • Using the Await Keyword

    Async functions are called using the await keyword.

    await waits for a function to finish its execution. It can only be called within an async function.

    async function getMessage() {
      return "Welcome";
    async function callMessage() {
    const result = await getMessage();
        console.log(result); // will print "welcome"

    If await is called without an async function, it throws an error:

    SyntaxError: await is only valid in async functions and the top-level bodies of modules

    async function getMessage() {
      return "Welcome";
     function callMessage() {
      const result = await getMessage();
      console.log(result); // will print "Hello world!"
    • How to Call Async Functions in Synchronized Functions

    You have to use the then and catch blocks in synchronized functions.

    then() is used for successfully resolved promises.

    async function getMessage() {
      return "Welcome";
    async function callMessage() {
    .catch(error=>console.log("error: ",error))
    callMessage()// Prints success Welcome
    • async functions throws an error

    If an async function throws an error, the catch block is called to handle the error.

    async function getMessage() {
      throw "failed";
    async function callMessage() {
    callMessage() // error failed
    • Async Functions Rejecting Promises

    If an async function rejects a promise, the catch function is called with an error.

    async function getMessage() {
    async function callMessage() {
        .then((data) => console.log("success", data))
        .catch((error) => console.log("error", error));

    Above code throws

    [UnhandledPromiseRejection: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise was rejected with the reason "fail".] {
    success undefined
    triggerUncaughtException(err, true /_ fromPromise _);
    [UnhandledPromiseRejection: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise was rejected with the reason "fail".] {

    It calls a catch block with an undefined result.

    • async functions returns rejected promise

    catch function call back is called with an error

    async function getMessage() {
    return Promise.reject("fail")
    async function callMessage() {


    error fail