Javascript tutorials - 3 ways to convert Set to Arrays

This post talks about 3 ways to convert Set type to Array in JavaScript.

  1. forEach loop
  2. ES6 spread syntax
  3. Using Array from function You can also check other posts on Javascript Add,Delete from Array

Use forEach loop to Convert Set to Array

forEach loop is one of the loop syntax to iterate the elements in collections of set type. Its syntax forEach(callback,[arg]).

the callback is the function that is called for each element of a collection. It takes three input parameters

  • Current element(current element),
  • index (index position, optional),
  • array (new array called for each element)
const arrayObj = [];
mySet.forEach((element) => arrayObj.push(element));
console.log(arrayObj); //[ 21, 3, 10 ]
console.log(typeof arrayObj); //object

Use ES6 spread new syntax to Convert Set to Array

ES6 introduced spread operator syntax..

Spread operator (..) allows to expand of the collection and expected values of at least one element. It is simple with the spread operator

var mySet = new Set([21, 3, 10, 21]);

let arrayObj = [...mySet];

console.log(arrayObj); //[ 21, 3, 10 ]
console.log(typeof arrayObj); //object

Native from function in array to Convert Set to Array

from() function create and returns a new array from an input iterate collection such as an array, map, or set, and each element is iterated. Syntax is Array.from(collection of objects);

var mySet = new Set([21, 3, 10, 21]);

let arrayObj = Array.from(mySet.values());

console.log(arrayObj); //[ 21, 3, 10 ]
console.log(typeof arrayObj); //object