How to multiply two numbers in Golang | Go by Examples

In this blog post, Learn the below things in the go language.

  • Multiply two integers
  • Multiply two floating numbers
  • Multiple integers and floating numbers

How to Multiply two integers in Golang with example

In this example.

  • Declared two variables of type integer
  • Assign them with values using the equal operator(=)
  • Multiply two integers using multiply operator and the result is assigned to an integer variable.
  • Finally, Print the result using %d in the Printf function.
package main

import (

func main() {
    var number1, number2 int
    number1 = 5
    number2 = 6
    result: = number1 * number2
    fmt.Printf("Multiply result is  %d\n", result)



Multiply the result is  30

golang Example program to Multiply two floating numbers

In this program.

  • Declared two variables of type float
  • Assign float values using equal operator(=)
  • Multiple two floats using multiply operator and the result is assigned to a third float variable.
  • Finally, Print the result using %f for float in the Printf function.
package main

import (

func main() {
    var number1, number2 float64
    number1 = 5.1
    number2 = 6.3
    result: = number1 * number2
    fmt.Printf("Multiply floating numbers result is  %f\n", result)



Multiply floating numbers result is  32.130000

Example program to Multiply integer and floating numbers

When you are multiplying with different types (int and float), you got the error invalid operation: number1 * number2 (mismatched types int and float64). The following program gives an error.

package main

import (

func main() {
    var number1 int
    var number2 float64
    number1 = 5
    number2 = 6.3
    result: = number1 * number2
    fmt.Printf("Multiply float and int numbers result is  %f\n", result)



# command-line-arguments
Test.go:12:20: invalid operation: number1 * number2 (mismatched types int and float64)


The number must be float when multiplied with the float number. So, the int type needs to convert to float using float64(intvalue)
Here is a working code

package main

import (

func main() {
    var number1 int
    var number2 float64
    number1 = 5
    number2 = 6.3
    result: = float64(number1) * number2
    fmt.Printf("Multiply float and int numbers result is  %f\n", result)



Multiply float and int numbers result is  31.500000


In this tutorial, Learned the multiplication of numbers and integers in golang