Gulp javascript build automation tool overview

This tutorial explains about gulp build tool

What is a gulp build tool

Gulpjs is a javascript open-source framework for automating the build tool for javascript applications written in Node.js, angular, and other javascript frameworks. Gulp uses pipe stream concepts to improve the performance of the tasks.

Gulp features

Gulp is plugin-based architecture that provides different plugins for doing the tasks GuplJS is a command-line JavaScript task runner which does the below collection of tasks. For each task, we can configure the gulp plugin

  • Minification of javascript files to remove spaces
  • Concatenation
  • Copying files
  • written in javascript
  • Javascript compilation

GulpJS supports all browsers and all operating systems.

How to install the gulp JavaScript tool

To install gulp JS too, Node js need to be installed.

npm install -g gulp

npm is a node package manager, -g option indicates to install the package available globally npm command retrieves the gulp package from the node registry repository and installs it locally to your system, so that gulp can be accessed using the command line. Use the below command to check whether gulp is installed or not.

Gulp –v

How to add gulp to your javascript application

And also we can use –the save-dev option to the npm command to install the dependencies.

npm install —save-dev gulp

the above command adds the dependency to package.json

gulp command not found - error after installing gulp

sometimes, after installation of gulp tool, you will get an error as given below Following the below steps to fix an error

  • Install the gulp using below

For Global,

npm install -g gulp

Local installation

npm install gulp

next, run below command to check installed version

gulp -v

If the above command gives valid version, it installed succesfully.

if not, Please run below command to link as npm command

npm link gulp

Then It works as expected