Frequently used Lodash collection methods with examples

What is Lodash library?

Lodash is a javascript library with a lot of useful functions. we can easily integrate with any javascript application.

The collection is of different types like Strings, Arrays, and objects. Javascript provides first-class functions.

First-class functions are like variables, Where we can store a variable, passing as a parameter to a function, and return it from the function.

Functions in javascript are treated as a variable With this, each item in collections arrays and objects can be applied to functions. So each function in the collection object will be applied to each element of collection data.

Let us see various examples of Collection/array objects with examples
It is a continuous post following previous articles on the lodash library.

Lodash find functions examples

There is three functions filter, find, and findRight used to filter or find the element in a collection or array of elements.

filter function example

to iterate the list of arrays/objects and filters based on some condition.

var emps = [
  { 'name': 'franc',  'id': 4, 'salary': 50000 },
  { 'name': 'kiran',    'id': 20, 'salary': 40000 },
  { 'name': 'ram', 'id': 31,  'salary': 60000 }
  { 'name': 'abv', 'id': 21,  'salary': 30000 }

let result=_.filter(emps, function(emp) {
    return emp.salary >= 50000 ;


{ 'name': 'franc',  'id': 4, 'salary': 50000 },
  { 'name': 'ram', 'id': 31,  'salary': 60000 }

The list of employees is filtered based on a condition whose salary is greater than or equal to 50000

How to filter object array using lodash find method example

The find method iterates the elements and returns the first element which matched the condition

var emps = [
  { 'name': 'franc',  'id': 4, 'salary': 50000 },
  { 'name': 'kiran',    'id': 20, 'salary': 40000 },
  { 'name': 'ram', 'id': 31,  'salary': 60000 },
  { 'name': 'abv', 'id': 21,  'salary': 30000 }

let result=_.find(emps, function(emp) {
    return emp.salary >= 1000000 ; // outputs  undefined
let result=_.find(emps, function(e) {
    return e.salary >= 400000 ; // outputs   { 'name': 'franc',  'id': 4, 'salary': 50000 },


How to filter object array using lodash findLast method example

This method also iterates the elements in a collection like a find method but the iteration is from right to left or last to the first element.

// this outputs abv ram kiran franc
let result = _.findLast(emps, function (emp) {

// this outputs franc kiran ram abv
let result1 = _.find(emps, function (emp) {

How to iterate Collection/Arrays lodash Example

Iteration is to iterate each element in the collection or arrays of objects. This also uses first-class functions where each element in the iteration is an applied function. It acts as a callback that applies to each element We will see the below examples.

forEach function lodash Example

forEach is to iterate the elements in collections like an array of objects/elements.


forEach(collection/array objects, function(object,key/index,collection)

the object is each object of collection/array. This required key is an index of a collection/array that starts from zero, the optional collection is an original collection, optional Function will be applied to each element. Returning type is a collection.

_.forEach(["for", "each"], function (value) {
//this outputs 'for' and 'each'

_.forEach(emps, function (obj, key, e) {
  console.log( + "=" +;
//this outputs

forEachRight lodash method

It is also the same as forEach, but traverses elements from Right to left Parameters and rules are the same as the forEach method

_.forEachRight(["a", "b", "c"], function (value) {
//this outputs 'c','b' and 'a'

_.forEachRight(emps, function (obj, key, e) {
  console.log( + "=" +;
//this outputs

Map lodash method example

map method also iterates each element in a collection/array and applies the function to each element and returns a new array.

This method has guarded methods that you can use with different methods like curry, every, and filter methods.

function addTen(n) {
  return n + 10;

console.log([4, 6], addTen)); // outputs  [14, 16]
console.log(, "name")); // outputs ["franc", "kiran", "ram", "abv"]
console.log(, "salary")); // outputs [50000, 40000, 60000, 30000]
console.log(, "id")); // outputs  [4, 20, 31, 21]

(, ‘id’) is a property shorthand iteration example in which we can use the name of the property directly and the code can be reduced.

Difference between map and forEach in javascript

  • the map is fastest than the foreach method in terms of performances Map returns a new array, source array will not be changed. forEach returns the same array

every() and some() method lodash examples

every method - checks every element of a collection matches with the expression

every(collection/array, expression)

The some method is the reverse of the every method and checks any element that matches the expression.

some(collection/array, expression)


console.log(_.some(["test", 1, false, "no"], Boolean)); // outputs true
console.log(_.every(["test", 1, false, "no"], Boolean)); // outputs false
console.log(_.some(emps, { name: "franc", id: 4, salary: 50000 })); // outputs true
console.log(_.every(emps, { name: "franc", id: 4, salary: 50000 })); // outputs false

How do convert the object to an array in javascript/lodash?

An object contains the below data, We need to convert it into an array. the map function takes an object and iterates the elements and returns an array.

var objectVariable = {
  k1: { id: 1, name: "kiran" },
  k2: { id: 2, name: "frank" },
  k3: { id: 3, name: "john" },

var arrayVariable =, (v) => v);
console.log("Array 1: ", arrayVariable);
// returns [{id: 1, name: "kiran"},{id: 2, name: "frank"},{id: 3, name: "john"}]